Townhouse vs House: Everything You Need to Know
Posted Mar 2nd 2023
When looking through homes for sale, you will come across two options; houses and townhouses. Knowing the differences between the two types of properties will allow you to choose the best home for your family.
What is a Townhouse?
This type of single-family home often features multiple floors and is part of a row of three or more houses of a similar style. Townhouses are usually smaller and narrower, and you will have less square footage compared to a house. Most townhouses are two or three stories tall and are sometimes located in communities that have their own set of rules and regulations.
What is a House?
This residential building will vary in shape, size, and style and usually features more space indoors and outside. There are no common spaces, and you will likely have a front and back yard.
Building style and type
Townhouses are generally built in a row of similar single-family structures, all with a similar number of floors. Their overall structure and appearance also tend to be very similar. Freestanding houses are entirely detached, usually have unique appearances, and will vary in size, shape, and layout.
Size and room dimensions
Both townhouses and houses vary tremendously in size, and you can often find townhouses with four or more bedrooms. The difference is that most houses usually have more space both inside and outside. Also, houses can be expanded and remodelled more easily than townhouses, which is why they are considered a better type of investment property.
Amenities and features
Some townhouse developments have shared amenities like sports facilities, a pool area, a fitness centre and snow removal during the winter. Both houses and townhouses will receive basic services like trash removal.
If the area around your townhouse is part of the community’s shared areas, the townhouse development will be responsible for its maintenance. Whereas house maintenance falls completely on the shoulders of the homeowner, and you would be responsible for the structure and exterior maintenance of your home.
You must consider both the short and long-term costs of each type of property to make informed decisions. The upfront cost of a townhouse is usually lower than the upfront cost of a house of a similar size, but a townhouse owner may have to pay homeowners association fees on a monthly basis. For example, this monthly fee will contribute to outdoor space maintenance and the swimming pool but will not increase the property’s resale value.
Townhouses located in strict communities must follow homeowner’s association regulations which will limit what you can do. Additionally, shared walls may mean more noise, and you have to decide whether or not you are comfortable with this aspect. Houses, however, are usually under the owner’s control, and you will be able to make changes and improvements to both your indoor and outdoor space.
Which One is best?
You must consider your family’s requirements, finances, and lifestyle needs.
While there is no exact answer to this question, a reputable real estate agent will help you weigh your options to decide which type of property is suitable for you and your family. Here at The Baird Team, we will discuss your needs, desired location, and budget to help you find the perfect home.
We will show you both homes and townhouses for sale and present you with listings that meet your criteria. Contact us today to start looking at homes for sale in Oshawa, Bowmanville, and Courtice!